What is Holistic therapy?

Holism is the idea that everything is connected with each other. Your emotions are connected to your thoughts, your body and your soul, which is connected to your energy. When you are out of balance in one of the levels, it influences the other holistic levels.
As a Holistic Therapist, I look at a person as one whole. this way we can go to the root of the problem, instead of trying to treat the symptoms. When the root of the problem has been found, the healing can start and balance will be restored into the whole.
The study i followed to become a Holistic Therapist, allowed me to dive deep into myself and accept, heal and let go. It was a beautiful process and i feel so grateful that i had the chance to flow through it. I allowed everything to just be. Everything we learned, I already knew deep down inside of me, it was a form of recognition.
And now I am ready to share it with you. Step by step, forward, backward, sideways; every step is a step into the exact direction you need to move in. So when you ever think you are stepping backwards in life, remember that a step back is also a step. A step into the direction of healing and growth.
On important thing i had to learn was: to feel. I knew a lot, i liked studying things about body, mind and emotional intellect. I knew it all in my head. But i started realizing that i did not feel it. And i did not know how to start feeling it. So I went to therapy and started a therapy study. Here i learned how to start feeling. Without help, I would have still been trying to put the puzzle pieces (of me, life, others) together.
Asking for help was my best and bravest decision, ever.
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