What is reiki?
Have you heard about it before? Have you received a reiki session before?

Reiki is a Japanese term that means universal lifeforce.
Rei = Universal
Ki = lifeforce
It's the lifeforce that moves through all living beings.
Reiki is not a massage. It is a soft-touch practice or a non touch practice. Of a combination of both :)
It's a subtle and effective form of energy work/therapy.
When the "Ki" of a person is not strong and free flowing, it could be that the energy stream is blocked. Which could lead to symptoms of emotional and physical imbalance.
A reiki session can help ease tension and stress, and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all holistic levels - physical, emotional, mental, energetically and spiritually.
A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one's personal wellbeing.
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