
Gepubliceerd op 27 januari 2023 om 16:31

What is Holism?

The word Holism comes from the greek word Holos, which means whole. The holistic approach is based on the believe that everything is whole. Everything is part of and connected to everything. In a human being it is approached as all holistic levels are connected to eachother. These so to speak, Holistic levels, are the physical, emotional, mental, energetical and spiritual. 

The physical are basically, your body, your looks, everything we can see and touch. Outside but also inside. Your organs, nervesystem and lympathic system. Your physical well-being is your physical health.
Body movement, healthy food, enough rest and sleep,  they all influence your physical health.

Acknowledging and experiencing feelings, is the emotional level. Empathy, love and emotions are the associated qualities. Fear, sadness, anger and joy are emotions; the sensations you feel inside. 
Your emotional level is strongly connected to your intuition. 

Your thoughts, your beliefs and your ratio, are on the mental level. Basically everything that goes on in your mind is associated with the mental level. Some thoughts and ideas have become entranched beliefs and patterns. Your thoughts are powerful and can be a big influence on your health.

Your energetic level is literally the level where you keep your energy. When your energy is high, you will feel fit, relaxed and sometimes even radiant. Some people or situations can drain your energy. It is important to know what drains your energy and what gives you energy.

The spiritual level is your soul. Who are you deep down, in your essence?


Let me know below if this was helpful or if you are missing something. 
Much Love

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